Your login details will be the same for both accounts – your email address and a chosen password.

You will be sent an activation email to the address you have provided.Next choose a password for your EndNote Online account.You can use your Brookes email or a personal email address. On the EndNote Online home page, click on the ‘Register’ box right of screen and enter your email address to start the registration process.Check the EndNote Online support pages for details of which web browsers and word processing packages EndNote Online is compatible with.

If you use both versions, you can use the sync process to synchronize your libraries.Both Online and desktop versions are free to use for all our staff and students.Clarivate also offer a comparison of EndNote 20 with the previous X9 and X8 versions of EndNote, so you can see if it is worth upgrading any existing installation of the desktop version of EndNote. Your Academic Liaison Librarian can advise you on which version might best suit you as well. To see which version best meets your needs, go to the Clarivate web site to view an in-depth comparison of the different versions.You can also use EndNote to create in-text citations and bibliographies in Word documents, formatted in the style of your choice. You can transfer references from many library catalogues and databases into your EndNote Library. EndNote is a service which allows you to collect, store & manage your own collection or 'library' of references.Research impact (staff and students only) Knowledge exchange (staff and students only) Policies and codes of practice (staff and students only) Research ethics (staff and students only) Research integrity and responsible metrics Why international students choose Oxford Brookes