To select the camera you want Microsoft Teams to use for calls and meetings, select Settings and more next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Devices. Now, please launch Logitech Capture/GHUB and it should pick up your StreamCam, as no other programs are currently using it as a source. If we use both the two software, it may crosslinked the function of each other. We would recommend you to use any one of the software - GHUB or Logi Capture software. There seems to be no way to use Teams with Logitech camera controls which I need for framing control Teams could use 'Logitech StreamCam' provided Logitech Capture was closed Logitech Capture was able to use the camera but selectign 'Logi Capture' in Teams sstill did not show video like it would before One improvement I noticed after restart was that if I had "Disable this device in G HUB to allow other software to have full control" enabled on boot then the light only showed when in the StreamCam part of G HUB - which makes sense as it still uses the camera. The version installed from was 203 so initially the StreamCam did not show.Īfter 3 updates StreamCam appeared in G HUB again (version 2021.7.91). Some of the instructions above did not apply to my installation (no registry key after uninstall, nothing in AppDatta or Program Files) but I ran through the others.